How to Use...JobNow/VetNow


Start here on our website, under online resources for an easy link to Job Now/Vet Now:


This is the page that will come up - Job Now/Vet Now provides assistance with job searches, resumes, interviewing tips, and more! It’s also where you can find ACT/SAT prep materials, HiSET prep materials, and more!


You’ll first need to set up your account. Click My Account on the top right of the page. Choose “Log In” which will take you to this page:

From there, you’ll click on the bottom “Sign Up.”

On this page, you’ll create your own username and password to log into your account. You can use anything you want - it’s not dependant on your library card number at all!


You’ll see this message when you’ve successfully registered!


Under the tab titled “Tools for Learners,” choose Learn Now, which will take you to all the prep materials:

You will also see “Flashbulb” under Tools for Learners - premade flashcards to help you study!


Other helpful tabs:


Job Tools includes Resume templates, interview tips, and career readiness.


Adult Learners also includes a variety of topics, like HiSET and citizenship.


Expert Help tab gives you access to a resume lab to receive feedback on your resume: