Fax Policy


The Library participates in and complies with guidelines of the Iowa Interlibrary Loan Network. It will serve any library which also participates.


1. Types of requests accepted


         a. The Library will receive via fax any library requests for photocopies, information, or books. It will fax responses up to 5 pages, Material which are more than 5 pages or which are not rush, may be mailed to the requesting library.


         b. Non-Library fax requests (for business or personal patron use) will be accepted. The Library neither serves in place of, nor wishes to compete with a local fax business. The patron will be charged for both sending and receiving according to the posted rates. 


         c. Library staff may use fax for professional library activities and administrative matters at no charge.

2. Levels of service & turnaround time


         a. Both urgent and non urgent requests may be sent via fax.


b. The Library attempts to fill request within a reasonable amount of time or to meet reasonable limits designated by the requesting library. This Library strives to treat incoming fax requests as quick reference, and fill them immediately, for a turnaround time measured in minutes. The Library will notify the requesting library if it is unable to fill the request within the time specified.


         c. Local patron recipients of documents will be advised during normal Library hours.

3. Charges

         a. Participating libraries will NOT charge other participating libraries for fax requests.

         b. If the patron request is for non-library information, the patron will be charged at the current posted fax rate to send and receive.


4. Patrons must pay cash for their fax calls when they are made. No provision is made for billing these calls.


Written February 2000

Adopted December 2005

Revised December 2005

Reviewed March 2009

Amended December 2015

Amended October 2019

Reviewed January 2022