Book Vibes
Books and music go hand in hand - check out these playlists to see if you mesh with the book as well! These are all books recommended by our staff, as well as staff built playlists. As with any recommendation, it may not always be for everyone at every point in time - if it's not your vibe, no shame in shutting down the playlist or returning the book!

Naomi and Nicholas are the perfect couple, and their wedding is coming up in just a few short months. Everything is perfectly...awful. Naomi and Nicholas hate each other - no really - but neither is willing to call it off and be responsible for the hefty wedding deposits. So like any couple, they push each other's buttons trying to ensure that the other falters and ends it all. But the more real they become with each other, rather than focusing on the presumed perfection of the other, the more their resolve weakens and the more they...fall back in love?
The Salpetriere Asylum: Paris, 1885. Hypnotism has taken the world by storm, and in Paris, Dr. Charcot treats the mad women, cast out by society, their families, and their friends. Most are inconvenient; many are simply "too much." But each year, a bit of their world brightens in the dreary walls during the Lenten "Madwomen's Ball," where Paris comes to see what half of them could become, and the other half are terrified of. But this year, the ball proves to be a life-changing night for many within the walls of the asylum.