Genealogy Collection
The Columbus Junction Public Library has a collection of genealogical materials and local history on file at the Library, including several local family histories, Louisa HiStory magazines, CCHS yearbooks, and more. A complete list of holdings as well as the alphabetical article listing of the Louisa HiStory can be found below.
Click on the Community History Archive icon below to navigate to the searchable digitized newspaper collection, which includes the Columbus Gazette, Columbus Safeguard, and other Southeast Iowa newspapers.
Click on the Biblioboard icon to navigate to the library's digitized collection of photographs and information about the Columbus Community. Have something at home you think would be a great addition to these collections? Please let the library know - we're always looking to add to the digital collection!
Fortepan is a statewide archival project from the University of Northern Iowa. Below are the specific links for historic Columbus Junction photos, but feel free to visit to explore other historic photos from throughout Iowa!
Statewide Newspaper Archive
The State Historical Society offers a statewide newspaper database for FREE for all types of research! Start by clicking here!
This link navigates you to a page entitled "Digital Resources" on the State Historical Society's website. There's tons of great information and links, but if you're looking for the newspaper archive, click on: Newspaper Archives Iowa Database under the heading Manuscripts, Newspapers, Photographs, and Documents!
Bookmark the Digital Resources page, rather than the Newspaper Archive page, as the ONLY way to access the newspaper archive for free is through the State Historical Society's website!