Book Clubs

Bookish Balance is the book club for busy people, and it's loosely based on the idea of a walking book club.
Some walking book clubs walk and discuss a book, some walk and listen at the same time. We know meeting at a specific date and time is harder for busy people, so we're hosting an asynchronous space instead! Commit to reading an audio book and participating in some wellness activity of your choice while listening.
Chat in the dedicated Band app if you'd like to connect with other readers, get recommendations, and stay up-to-date with the latest audio books the library has purchased!
Interested in attending our regularly scheduled Book Club? Read along each month, and then attend on the 2nd Monday of the month (7 pm during the school year, and 5 pm June-August). This book club is in person, but also hosted on Zoom for those who would like to participate that way as well! Follow along on the BookClubs app to find out what we're reading, take polls on book choices, and receive reminders about upcoming meetings!

Fable is an online book and TV club that allows participants to join many book clubs, post reactions and comments by chapter to avoid spoilers for other readers, and engage about other types of media, like TV. This link will take you to the CJPL Shelf Care Book Club, but feel free to join other clubs as well, and engage with whatever books appeal to you. This app also allows purchase of books and/or subscriptions for more popular book clubs, but there are plenty of free options for you to try!