Work Readiness
All the information regarding different elements of the workforce can be found on this page. Scroll to find information about resumes, cover letters, interview preparation, and unemployment.
Watch this video to learn the parts of the resume, what goes in each part, and how to use the resume to highlight yourself to an employer -
Example Resumes
Click the following links to view example resumes for someone who:
1) is currently in or has recently graduated high school
2) has graduated college
3) has some college experience, but does not have a degree
4) has some middle/high school education, but does not have a diploma
Additional Resources
View the presentation used in the video.
Look through tips and tricks for writing a successful resume.
Cover Letter
Watch this video to learn what a cover letter is, the parts of the cover letter, and how to write one for a job application -
Example Cover Letter
Click the link below to see an example cover letter.
Additional Resources
View the presentation used in the video.
Look through tips and tricks for writing a successful cover letter.
Interview Preparation
Watch this video to learn how you should prepare for a GOOD job interview -
Additional Resources
View the presentation used in the video.
Look through tips and tricks for preparing for an interview and putting your best foot forward.
Watch this video to learn how to apply for unemployment benefits -
Additional Resources
Visit the following link to apply for unemployment benefits:
Creating an Email
Watch this video to learn how to create a Gmail account -
Additional Resources
Look through step-by-step instructions on how to create and access your Gmail account.